Being Creative With A Long-Term Condition

For regular visitors, you may have noticed that my personal blogs have been somewhat erratic of late. While I’m keeping up with my frequent reviews and interviews with brilliant writers, my own voice has faded into the background somewhat. Rather than jumping back in...

Plaf, Vlan, Patatras: Delicious French Sounds

I love words. Well, of course I do, I’m a writer. But there’s something about onomatopoeic words that is just delicious. They feel good when you say them. The fizz and sizzle of them on your tongue, the satisfying plop as they fall out of your mouth.I had the...

Why is Proper Rest So Hard?

I’m not very good at resting. I’m fairly certain I’ve been kidding myself that I’m just too active, too interested in the world, too fun to be someone who just sits around and takes it easy. But I’m not sure that’s true. Recently I’ve been forced to stop. I suppose we...

Focusing on Progress, Not Perfection

As the end of January is long faded, and February has dirged its way out of our lives, I wanted to pause for a moment. One of the things I promised myself this year was that I would focus on progress, not perfection. That I would make sure my writing, workshops,...

How to Protect Time For Yourself

Last week I felt like the world was testing me. Testing my commitment to really giving this creative recovery a go. To begin with, things were looking good. I took the opportunity to finally book a Hammam trip that had been a present all the way back from Mother’s Day...