
Hey there

Telling stories is what I always wanted to do but it took me a while to have the courage to do it. I believe everyone has urgent and beautiful words inside them, and I’d love to help you discover and shape yours.

I make resources, run workshops and courses and create feedback and mentoring programmes to help writers grow and develop. That’s when I’m not dealing with a small child, of course. There’s also a bit of running and world-exploring, when I get the time!

This is me

My stories come from the things I care about. I’ve written about sexual assault, miscarriage, abusive relationships, the hope that the natural world can bring and the struggles of motherhood. You can read them in the form of short stories, books and articles, but it took me a while to get here. 

When I was growing up I didn’t see any female, working-class writers. Getting a job that paid the bills was my first priority when I left University. It wasn’t until my thirties that I did an MA in Creative Writing and started to take myself seriously as a writer. 

I want to make sure other people have the confidence I was lacking, which is why I spend time creating resources, workshops and courses for writers. Their focus is the unique and urgent voice we all have in us, and how to fit creativity into even the busiest of lives. I also created Write By You, which runs writing programmes for young, diverse female writers in the UK. 

Got a question? Fancy a chat? Get in touch! I’d love to hear from you.