Artist’s Way Week 7: The Curse of Perfectionism

Artist’s Way Week 7: The Curse of Perfectionism

The reading in the opening of this week felt incredibly relevant to me. As I turned each page I was thinking ‘yes. that’s me, I do that all the time!’ in a way I perhaps haven’t had with other weeks. The three main ideas that came up were perfectionism, taking risks...
Making March: The Power of Creating Stuff

Making March: The Power of Creating Stuff

At the start of March I set myself a seemingly simple goal: to make things. While a lot of my time gets poured into writing, editing, coaching others in their creative projects, creating workshops, all of these things are not exactly tangible. Words on a page can feel...
Artist’s Way Week 3: Putting Yourself First Is Tricky

Artist’s Way Week 3: Putting Yourself First Is Tricky

As the days and weeks pass, more and more I’m remembering why I haven’t managed to get to the end of the twelve-week ‘path’ of The Artist’s Way. For most of this week my partner was away. This meant I had to do all the parenting of my five-year-old, as well as get up...
Artists Way Week 2: The God Problem

Artists Way Week 2: The God Problem

The good news is I am still managing to get up in the morning. Even this week, while my partner is away, which means a whole new level of commitment. The other good news is that my daughter is getting on board. She knows that mummy has to scribble furiously for twenty...

Artist’s Way Week 1: Waking Up Is Hard To Do

This is the third time I’ve started working my way through The Artist’s Way. I can see from my notes that my last attempt was January last year. From the bookmark, it looks like I got to week 8. I remember that it took me at least four months to get to that point. I...

To End Sexual Violence, We Need New Stories

Warning: This article contains reference to sexual assault and violence. Today (25th November) is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. With recent reports about the shocking use of violence against women as a weapon of war in the...